Thursday, February 5, 2015


  Does Your Pet Have:
• Halitosis (bad breath)? 
• Difficulty eating?                                                                          
• Bright red, swollen, or bleeding gums? 
• Loose teeth?
• Excessive drooling issues?

 If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, your pet may need a dental cleaning.

Dental disease is a common health problem in dogs and cats and may present with any of those signs. Food particles left on your pet’s teeth and gums could, over time, form a layer of thick plaque- a perfect substance for bacteria to adhere. Buildup of bacterial plaque on the teeth and along the gum line can lead to inflamed gums (gingivitis) and infection. Gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, an inflammation of the deeper tissues that surround the teeth. In severe cases, this may be associated with the spread of infection to other parts of the body, including the kidneys and heart.

 The best way to prevent this is with everyday oral health and yearly veterinary exams to assess your pet’s mouth and health.

 February is National Pet Dental Health Month 
 We Offer a 10% Discount on Dental Cleanings during February 

 What can you expect during a dental cleaning at Kaukauna Veterinary Clinic?

 • An oral exam is done to determine your pet’s stage of periodontal disease or oral health.
 • Pre-anesthetic blood testing is done in order to evaluate your pet’s risk for anesthesia.
 • Anesthetics are chosen based on your pet’s specific needs and only the safest medications are utilized.
 • The teeth and gums are thoroughly evaluated. We probe around all teeth to measure pockets in the gums, look for loose teeth, and look for cavities.
 • Digital x-rays are taken on an as needed basis, if we find areas of concern.
 • Large accumulations of tartar are removed.
 • An ultrasonic scaler is used to remove the visible tarter from the teeth and to scale under the gum line.
 • Hand scaling is performed to remove any remaining tartar.
 • The teeth are then polished.
 • A final anti-bacterial rinse is performed at the end of the procedure.

 There are also great prevention techniques you can do at home to improve oral health including: 

Brushing teeth (which may be easier than you think)
Dental treats and chew toys
Specially formulated dental diets
Gels, sprays, or rinses

A Happy pet has a Healthy mouth, so talk to a receptionist today about scheduling a dental cleaning for your pet!

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