Monday, August 15, 2016

National Check the Chip Day

Microchipping saves lives

Dr. Ronald Biese

Hundreds?  Thousands? Tens of Thousands?  Hundreds of thousands?

How many animal’s lives have been saved because they were microchipped?

It’s impossible to accurately tell how many animals have been saved with the advent of the microchip system in our beloved pets.  It is safe to say the number is many and if it’s your pet that is found through the system, it’s priceless and the only one you care about. 
The microchips were invented in the 1950’s, but didn’t become commercially available until the 1990’s.  The chip is a small device that is implanted under the skin over the back (between the shoulder blades) of pets.  This device can be used in any pet from birds, to reptiles, to dogs and cats.  They are guaranteed for 25 years (with the Home Again product our clinic uses).  The way they work is the following: Your pet unfortunately gets lost or runs away and is found by someone.  The person who found your pet must take him/her to a Humane Society, veterinary clinic, or many police stations (not all have scanners) to be scanned for a microchip.  Once the number of the chip is discovered, the owner of the animal can be found through a national database of microchip numbers.  You are then contacted about your beloved pet being found!  This is a national program and likely would work world-wide.  So, it is reassuring to know even if you travel and lose your pet, there is a good chance you will be reunited if he/she has a microchip implanted.  

So, it would be wise to have your pet microchipped soon if it has not been already.  To lose a pet and never find them again is horrifying, because you are left to wonder what happened to them.